If you are looking beyond the Sunday service and want to get involved, we have plenty of opportunities to learn, serve, teach, and love as you grow in Christ & community here at SNC.

SNC Kids
Ages: Nursery, Preschool, & Elementary School
Join us Sunday mornings during the service!
Please contact Judy Luedke for more information.
OSM (Overflow Student Ministry)

Bible Studies & Small Groups
We have several groups that meet periodically throughout the year. See the calendar to verify available groups & times.
Worship Team
This team includes musicians, as well as audio and visual tech support.
If you are interested in joining our Worship Team, please contact Joseph Davenport.

First Impressions Team
This team includes ushers, greeters, connection desk staff, and scripture readers. If you are interested in joining, please contact Courtney McLeland in the office.